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Thursday, September 05, 2002

One other thing

I'd be remiss, though, not to point out this amusing rant/column on Madison and the U of W.:

However, if you come in search of that rare, pure brand of courage it takes to do such things as whine publicly about how life is cheating you, "the Man" is keeping you down, and all you and your cause really need is a few more hearty draws out of the public trough to make everything peachy -- well, then you're an activist, a brave leader gaining fresh ground in the search for Utopia.

And, of course, while you and your brethren undergo your four- to six-year cleansing here in the Emerald City, you'd best not display any patriotism: no pledge-reciting or flag-waving or anything of the sort. For if you do, you've broken one of the many sacred trusts of backwards liberalism, one of the supreme commandments of compassion.

But wait, again I err. There are no "commandments" here, since commandments advocate nothing more than religiously motivated moral absolutism.

You, my ugly American friend, have not only sinned. You've "Madisinned."
And you'd best not have the gall to criticize the howls of every conceivable political organization under the sun in their quests for more public funding, for you've questioned the eternal truths of "understanding" and "facilitation." You are cruel, cold and closed-minded.
The newest Madisin appears to be lighting a cigarette in an area bar; a disgusting and hopelessly unenlightened 20th-century habit.

Another Madisin will soon be drinking cheap liquor in an area bar.

Now, of course we can't curtail any drinking in the university's own private mega-bar, the Union terrace. No, sir -- too many alumni spend far too much money for the privilege to Madisin on the Terrace. You must remember, when there's big public money rolling in, all Madisins are at once forgiven. If you show up with your bankroll out, we'll let you . . . well, we'll let you act like an American for at least a little while.

Good stuff. The guy didn't strike me as a conservative or "righty." Just a college guy who believes in real freedom, and that freedom involves smoke, booze, criticism, and fun.

Never Put Stupidity In Writing

The Mountaineer Musket controversy is over almost as quickly as it started. The WVU Mountaineer will be permitted to bring and fire the antique musket during the game against U of Wisconsin at Madison.

Wisconsin Associate Athletic Director Jamie Pollard said the university had reversed their initial refusal after numerous phone calls from West Virginia urging them to reconsider.
Officials with Wisconsin’s athletic department contacted John Wiley, the university chancellor, about an exception to a university ordinance forbidding firearms inside the stadium. That exception has been accepted.
“We welcome the Mountaineer and his gun,” Pollard said.
Pollard said they were contacted by WVU officials asking them to allow the gun to be fired at Camp Randall Stadium during Saturday’s football game. He said initially they were reluctant.
Pollard said WVU officials then asked that a refusal be put in writing, at which time University of Wisconsin officials determined the matter should be handled at “a higher level.”

Translation: This is already getting us some embarrassing publicity. The last thing we need is to actually put the refusal in writing, where a copy will end up on the Internet for the ridicule of the school.

[This brings up the serious point that when asked or told something incredibly stupid, illegal, or questionable by a superior, organization, or anyone -- get a copy in writing. Nothing stops most bad or stupid things more than demanding that it be put in writing. It takes away the deniability when there is a memo. Think about how many things you read where there is a claim that a person was told to do something by a superior, that created a problem. When the schmuck who is taking the fall claims he was told to do it, the superior denies and/or says he has no recollection of making such a request. The schmuck is screwed.

The wife works for a county court. She gets asked to do incredibly stupid things all the time. She has learned that requesting a memo on the matter 1) eliminates half the requests (thus, somewhat reducing the level of overwork); and 2) gives her some protection if the s--t hits the fan.]

It seems the official UW paper has nothing on the matter. An editorial in the independent paper mentions it as a way to rant on student government.

Wednesday, September 04, 2002

To The Surprise of Nobody

The International Kangaroo Criminal Court opened this week. I'm sure everyone will be surprised to read what country many are agitating to haul before the court first.

Human rights groups in Israel have begun gathering claims about alleged war crimes which they plan to present to the new International Criminal Court in The Hague.

Funny, I don't recall Israel being a signatory to this.

Human rights workers claim it is at checkpoints like this that serious abuses are often committed.

Iba Omer al-Barghouti, a local taxi driver, says he saw an unarmed Palestinian man shot in the head right here.

"We were all here as usual. The soldiers yelled at us to go back, and we did. One soldier fired in the air. Then he went down on one knee and fired. He hit a man called Adel in the head. Now he is paralysed," Mr al-Barghouti told me.

It is claims like Iba's that human rights workers are collecting.

It's the collection of claims like this that led to the discovery of a Jenin Massacre. Oh, wait, that's right there wasn't one. It turned out to be hyperbole and lies. Well I'm sure these "claims" can be substantiated, even if the cab driver in the article doesn't have any to offer.

Blogger Fiesta Coverage

Well the Free Times article on bloggers came out. I haven't seen the print version yet, I don't know whether the picture will look better or not. One small quote from me in the article -- which was true before the infant arrived. The majority, deservedly so, focuses on Eric.

I haven't written on the Blogger Fiesta because I really haven't had time. I wanted to add all of the party-goers to my links, make sure I got everyone's write-up of the event included, and give my thoughts, but I have not had more than a half-hour at any time to blog and read. (For some reason, I really want to do it all at one sitting.) I figure I will need at least an hour and a half to do a half-way decent job, and thank in a sufficiently gushing manner Eric and Dawn for the party and their hospitality.

Anyhow, this weekend won't be it. Family road trip either Thursday night or very early Friday morning to my parents for Rosh Hashanah. A nice leisurely drive to my old town Lebanon, Pennsylvania in Lebanon County (only 375 miles or so each way, driving with a 2 month old, did I mention that about 265 miles of it will be on the infamous Pennsylvania Turnpike, Exit 20 is the target) We are talking the heart of Pennsylvania Dutch country: Amish with their horse and buggy and Mennonites with their cars painted all black including the whitewalls and hubcaps.

This is also the first time Angela will meet her great-grandparents (who my folks have warned me might be camped out in the driveway awaiting our arrival). Needless to say, it is the destination not the journey I am looking forward to.

Reality Trumps Everytime

This is why I never bothered with trying to write satire or parody (Via Best of the Web). The second letter regarding Sharia in Nigeria and the sentence meted out for adultery:

As the former director of the National Islamic Center of Washington, the focal point of Islam in North America, allow me to make clear that there is no dictum in the Koran to allow the stoning death of an adulteress; the penalty the Koran prescribes is lashing.

And Down the Stretch they Come...

It seems generally assumed that Berkeley is the most loony left city in the US - or at least gets the most attention. Then there is Ann Arbor, MI, regularly flogged by escapee and NR editor Jay Nordlinger. Then there is Madison, Wisconsin. Madison making a late play for the title in 2002, gets an assist from the University of Wisconsin.

The University of Wisconsin has banned West Virginia's Mountaineer mascot from bringing his antique musket to the schools' game Saturday at Camp Randall Stadium because of a university policy that prohibits weapons on campus.

"First of all, it is our game. And we don't need a gun going off in front of 80,000 people," Wisconsin associate athletics director Jamie Pollard said. "In the big spirit of it all, I understand why they want to do it. But it is our home game."

West Virginia officials say the Mountaineer's musket fires powder, much like a starter's pistol.

I'm surprised they didn't ban the mascot as being an insensitive stereotype of Appalachia dwellers. Will Senator Byrd threaten some of the federal research money for UW over this this?

Look, I'm a Pitt guy. (As I've been repeating the last couple of weeks.) I'm out there shouting "Hoopies rape sheep!" during the annual Backyard Brawl. I hate the friggin' Mountaineers. That said, this is just plain stupid

Monday, September 02, 2002

Pitt Start and Stop

Well, Pitt won at least. It wasn't pretty, and they did not cover the spread (+21) in a 27-14 victory. The Bobcats were not as good as Pitt made them look. The defense tended to overpersue, the offense looked confused and the offensive line just played a lousy game. It does not bode well for next week's ESPN game against Texas A&M.

Our seats were excellent. Last year we were in the upper level (500 section) at Heinz Field, at the 50 yard line. It was just too far from the game to enjoy. This year, we are at about the 15 yard line in the 26th row (the enclosed side). It is right next to the student section. Much, much better. So much more involved in the game.


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